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Woodland Wonders Update for Jan-March 2018

We have been busy! First the extreme freeze in Jan. brought in an increased amount of admissions- owls, hawks, rabbits and even some small squirrels.  People were finding them sitting in yards and pastures and not moving or flying away. Happily, after several weeks in rehab, most were released!

February began the Spring admissions!- baby oppossums, owls and hawks. We have not admitted any young squirrels yet. We have been receiving injured adult songbirds, however no baby ones yet— soon to come!

March has been busy with EAGLE admissions and EAGLE releases! We have rescued 6 eagles, having released 2 already! Unfortunately, one was a motor vehicle accident and died a day afterwards and another eagle had extensive injuries and had to be euthanized.  We have an adult with a wing injury and a baby eagle(unable to place back  in nest as it had laid on the ground for 3 1/2 days and was near death when rescued)– both eagles we expect happy releases when they are ready!  We are also feeding several baby owls that again we could not get back into nest,etc. and the babies were in a bad human situation- ie  preschool playground,etc. and in one case there was an adult owl nearby spotted dead.  November -March is known as the bird of prey season!

Woodland Wonders has also been busy participating in community outreach programs. We have so far have attended 5, with 2 more in April and several in May! On April 14th, we are attendling a ribbon cutting for Se7en  Wetlands which is a new park in the county— come out and see the new park and our table!  Contact City of Lakeland for directions and times.

As always, Woodland Wonders  wants to say thank you readers for your financial assistance and hands on and support. We could not do it without you!  Remember to call us if you find any injured/orphaned Bird of Prey, other birds and all mammals except raccoons. ( we can refer you to someone who cares for raccoons) Together, we can hopefully make a difference in wildlife conservation!